How to have a less painful Period - Manski's Wellness

How to have a less painful Period


Period pain can happen from an abundance of reasons but they mostly are because of these THREE things below. Period pain doesn't need to be a normal thing for you to experience each month. It doesn’t have to cause you to miss work and spend the day all curled up in a ball because of how miserable you feel. Read the three reasons why you experience period pain and how to prevent it!

Why Does Period Pain Happen & What Can You Do About It?


  • High levels of Prostaglandins. Hormone like substances called prostaglandins contract your uterus to shed your endometrial lining. However, when you have too many of these inflammatory prostaglandins, it can contribute to period pain. Period poops/loose stools also happen due to your intestines and bowels being contracted.


    • Consuming a high amount of anti-inflammatory foods like wild-caught salmon, berries, avocados, dark green leafy veggies, flaxseed & pumpkin seeds.

    • Ginger & Turmeric. Certain studies have found that taking 1,000–2,000 milligrams per day of ginger (or more) can help reduce pain and cramps.

    • Low Impact exercising like yoga, swimming or walking can increase blood flow and endorphin production which can also reduce the period pain. Exercise increases both blood flow and endorphin production, which can reduce the amount of prostaglandins and pain that one experiences. Low impact options like yoga and swimming are also great ways to relax and stretch muscles. Certain yoga poses are even known to ease menstrual discomfort specifically.

    • Avoid alcohol as this increases inflammation.

    • Chamomile tea is filled with anti-inflammatory substances.

  • Excess Estrogen. Estrogen is the main hormone in your follicular phase (period up to ovulation) but if you have too much estrogen hanging around in your luteal phase..we got a problem. Progesterone is the main hormone in your luteal phase and without sufficient progesterone production, estrogen takes over. Excess estrogen contributes to most PMS issues. Implementing in seed cycling, cruciferous veggies & drinking more water can help make sure the liver is being supported to eliminate this excess hormone.


    • Getting 7-9 hours of sleep to help with hormone balance.
    • Eating cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, cabbage and kale contain DIM which help excrete excess estrogen.
    • Drinking more water & Fiber. Drinking at least half your body weight in ounces and 25 grams of fiber helps make sure your liver is being supported to eliminate this excess hormone.

    • Seed cycling. Seed cycling helps support what your body does naturally which is producing and excreting hormones while also giving your body the nutrients it needs in different phases. Try seed cycling here. Seeds are high in so many nutrients & provide many benefits that directly help with period cramps:

      • Omega 3s - reduces inflammation which helps decrease prostaglandins (lipid like compounds that drive period pain). Found in flax and pumpkin seeds.
      • Zinc - Shown to help relieve swelling and period cramps. Found in pumpkin seeds.
      • B6 - Helps relieve a variety of PMS symptoms including menstrual pain. Found in sesame & sunflower seeds.
      • Vitamin E - Vitamin E boosts progesterone which prevents excess estrogen (this is a massive reason why women deal with cramps). Found in Sunflower seeds.
      • Selenium - Selenium helps support the liver which is responsible for detoxing excess estrogen. Found in sunflower seeds.
      • Magnesium - Magnesium deficiency is a huge cause for menstrual cramps and helps relax your muscles and decrease prostaglandins to make your period painless! Found in Pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds & sunflower seeds.
    • Avoid skincare, cleaning products and cosmetics that contain EDCs (endocrine disruption chemicals) that can increase or decrease hormones in your body leading to excess estrogen.
  • Magnesium Deficiency. Magnesium is a critical mineral that majority of Americans are deficient in due to the stress cycle. When you are stressed, magnesium gets depleted and when your magnesium is depleted, your body will be stressed. Magnesium has so many purposes for hormone balance like helping with production of hormones and excreting excess. It also calms your body and relaxes uterine muscles which helps with period cramps. Because magnesium has a direct impact with lowering prostaglandins, it is vital that magnesium is a regular nutrient you are consuming each day.


  • The general recommendation is 400 mg of Magnesium Glycinate each day to help with period cramps. It’s important to not get other forms of magnesium as they can cause diarrhea.
  • Food sources like spinach, cashews, bananas, cacao, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and flax are all high in magnesium.
  • Avoid caffeine intake 1-2 weeks before your period as caffeine goes through your magnesium stores. Swap coffee for herbal teas like dandelion root, spearmint or raspberry leaf tea (especially helpful to drink on your period)!

      Comment down below what tips you will be using to banish period pain for good!

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